
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Is Here Lets Make It Wonderful!

A new year has began, and while I think it is necessary to make goals everyday, the new year is a great time to make some new goals too. I am always a little nervous about writing resolutions, because I am afraid I will not achieve them. Most of the time lose the piece of paper I wrote them on too.  However, this year, I want to hold myself a more accountable.

  • Run a half marathon ( I am a little nervous I wont achieve this one. I am going to do my best!)

  • Put less pressure on myself to the meet these goals and be "successful" in any way shape or form. I stress myself out way too much, and I now realize God's got it. I just have to let it go and do my best.

  • Lose myself in God. By this I mean more reading my bible and journaling. When we lose ourselves, God shows us more of who He always intended us to be. Maybe start a new bible reading plan? 

  • Serve others more often. Random acts of kindness, praying for others, volunteering, and just showing love. 

  • Patients, its something I struggle with, and in this new year I need to trust that God is in control. I need to learn how to wait and be still. 

  • Continue to nurture our marriage. I would like to do weekly date nights, and make quality time to talk daily a bigger priority. 

  • Dream. I am in a place where I still don't have a plan or direction (see patients issue above.). I know that God has one for me though, and I am going to do my best to find it. Once I find it, I want to have the courage to seek after it whole heartedly!  
If you have any suggestions as to achieving these goals or want to share some of your own goals that would be great! 

I am looking forward to 2013, and cant wait to see what it brings. The new year brings with it a sense of hope, and a fresh start. I hope this year brings you all sorts of joy and happiness!

Love Always,


  1. I love you! I know you can do it!! I will help you anyway I can!

  2. Great goals for 2013!

    You can do the half marathon! The key is to come up with an achievable running plan, and sign up for races (5k, 10k, 15k, etc) to keep you motivated!

  3. Love the idea of losing yourself in God. What a great goal!


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